Who Invented Foxes?
News: After almost six months of operation and many dozens of rejections, we have finally received our first real submission from the WIF Android app!
Posted by Wrongfellow on 11 May 2015.
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We can all say stupid things at times. But have you ever heard someone say something so overwhelmingly, mind-numbingly, face-palmingly stupid that you felt the urge to share it with the whole world? We have. That's why we invented WhoInventedFoxes.com.

Here's a random selection of what we have to offer. Reload the page for more quotes.

"If Stephen Hawking were British, he would be dead" - Investor's Business Daily
    Posted by Wrongfellow on 16 Aug 2009. + (9) - (0) Permalink
Of course he would be. If his computerized voice tried to talk with a British accent, it would explode.
    Posted by CheddarBBQ on 21 Nov 2009.
Damn those Brits. No respect for physicists. - I'm from London, btw.
    Posted by Destrii on 11 Jan 2010.

"If telepathy doesn't exist how do we hear ourselves think?"
    Posted by JT on 26 Apr 2011. + (3) - (0) Permalink

"I'm 16, and I have a toy that says for ages 13-15. Does that mean I have to return it?"
    (From http://answers.yahoo.com/question/ind...)
    Posted by JT on 2 Jan 2010. + (5) - (0) Permalink
How dare you?! You monster!
    Posted by Necropaxx on 8 Jan 2010.

"Look at those notices! They're really badly grammared."
    Posted by Wrongfellow on 3 Jul 2011. + (3) - (0) Permalink

"Shakespeare was born in 1564, supposedly on his birthday."
    Posted by JT on 14 Dec 2009. + (8) - (0) Permalink

British radio presenter: "For most people, death comes at the end of their lives..."
    Posted by JT on 15 Sep 2009. + (4) - (0) Permalink

"Sir Francis Drake circumcised the world with a 100ft clipper."
    Posted by JT on 14 Dec 2009. + (3) - (0) Permalink

American tourist at Stonehenge: "Why did they put the rocks so close to the freeway?"
    Posted by JT on 20 Sep 2009. + (7) - (0) Permalink
So people wouldn't have to walk all the way from the parking lot. What are you? Stupid?
    Posted by Socky on 21 Sep 2009.

"My son has invented a new word, who do you sell them to? I can't tell you what it is in case you steal it, it's a good sensible word, how much would it be worth?"
    (From http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/...)
    Posted by JT on 1 Oct 2009. + (10) - (0) Permalink
I thought sensible was already a word.
    Posted by Tiger on 31 Oct 2009.
where i live, 4 eggs and a potato
    Posted by Moosh on 9 Nov 2009.
You sell them to.... the Patent Office!
    Posted by breadbocks on 4 Apr 2010.
Who... sell you!
    Posted by Tiger on 12 Dec 2010.

"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." (US anti-smoking campaign)
    Posted by JT on 20 Aug 2009. + (8) - (0) Permalink
Not to be prejudiced but I suspect the Americans could be some of our best contributors!
    Posted by Wrongfellow on 21 Aug 2009.
Ya think?
    Posted by Tiger on 15 Dec 2009.
I don't *quite* believe that.
    Posted by breadbocks on 4 Apr 2010.